Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Splish-Splash!! My First Pool Running Experience

I've been cross training using a modified version of P90X. That's been okay, but it's not running. Not even a little bit. So this morning I worked it out with my hubby that I would ride the bus in early and get in some pool time before work. I used to swim competitively as a kid, so I started off my doing laps for 30 minutes ( I figured, go with what you know). I alternated doing 4 laps front crawl, with two "recovery" laps doing the breast stroke. By the end of the workout I was getting back into my swim form, so that felt really nice.
Then I tried pool running. My first lesson was in water depth. I figured the kiddie pool would be plenty deep-nope. My feet touched the bottom and I just felt silly trying to make it work. So I hopped out and jumped into the big pool, careful not to get into any "serious" swimmer's way. That worked out MUCH better. I had to adjust my floatation belt-it was too loose to start, it kept riding up my back. But once I cinched it up I was good to go. I worked on pumping my arms and driving my legs up and down. It wasn't real running, but for short moments it felt close! I did about 10 laps of the pool, inching my way up and down slowly ( a total of 30 minutes pool running). Everyone else around me would sneak a peak at what the heck I was doing but they all left me alone to do my pool running thing. I didn't get out of breath or anything even close, but my arms and my legs feel like they got a good workout for the first time in two weeks so that was a real bonus to my mental state. After I took 5 minutes and vegged out in the warm water of the kiddie pool, just letting each muscle group relax. Ah, bliss. I may just try that again in the next few days. It was a lovely way to start the day if you've gotta wear the vader bootie!

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